
jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

VIVALDI / SCARLATTI: Dos Judithas Triumphantes

La ópera-oratorio de Antonio Vivaldi Juditha Triumphans, fue compuesta por encargo en 1716 para celebrar la victoria de los venecianos sobre los turcos. Esta obra significa el clímax de la creación vocal de Vivaldi, tal como comenta el especialista Michael Talbot: "Como en el caso del Réquiem de Verdi, Juditha Triumphans es la mejor ópera de Vivaldi". La obra subtitulada Sacrum Militare Oratorium (oratorio sacro-militar), fue concebida como un canto alegórico para exaltar la victoria veneciana después de la firma de la paz en Passaworitz, con base en el libreto de Giacomo Casseti, escrito en latín tardío.
Poco a poco se descubrió la existencia de más de mil obras concertantes surgidas de la pluma de Vivaldi, la gran mayoría conciertos con un solista virtuoso al frente de la orquesta, modelo novedoso en su tiempo que rompió con el viejo modelo del concerto grosso. En contraste su obra vocal se mantuvo oculta en bibliotecas donde cayeron en el olvido y fue a partir de 1950 que comenzó su rescate y reedición para ser presentadas en público. "Todavía hay muchos prejuicios de que la ópera barroca es aburrida, monótona, en la eterna alternancia entre recitativo y aria da capo, pero no es cierto, es música con un gran dramatismo teatral. Vivaldi era una persona con un gran sentido dramático-musical, no por nada parte de su vida fue director de teatro, empresario y por eso compuso, por interés propio, una gran cantidad de obras escénicas, de las cuales existen aproximadamente 20 con partituras completas.
La historia de Juditha Triumphans se refiere, en forma figurada, al enfrentamiento del pueblo veneciano con las fuerzas otomanas, en defensa de la sitiada Corfú, cuyo asedio había comenzado a principios del verano, como parte de la Sexta Guerra Veneciana contra los turcos que culminó con una victoria de Venecia, la cual tuvo más relación con la alianza de las tropas austriacas que con el triunfo de la fe, lo que no impidió que el oratorio adquiriera el carácter de premonición de los sucesos por venir.
El rey sirio Nabucodonozor llamó a su ejército bajo el mando de Holofernes a la ciudad de Bethulia, para obligar a los judíos al pago de tributos. La joven y piadosa viuda Juditha, acompañada por su sirvienta Abra, se dirige al acantonamiento enemigo para rogar paces. Vagans, sirviente de Holofernes, lleva a las mujeres con el jefe Sirio, quien les invita a un banquete, vencido por la belleza de Juditha. Ella, intimidada, pide ayuda a Abra, quien logra calmarla asegurándola de su fidelidad y devoción. En Bethulia, el sumo sacerdote Ozias espera el éxito de la misión de Juditha, mientras Holofernes declara su amor a la heroína la cual, en actitud devota y fingida, dice no ser digna de esta atención. Una vez convencida de que Holofernes no tendrá piedad con el pueblo judío, la protagonista decide aceptar la invitación al banquete. Cuando Holofernes duerme, vencido por el exceso de vino, Vagans deja a su jefe al cuidado de Juditha y Abra, sin imaginar las intenciones de éstas. Mientras Abra mantiene la guardia, Juditha dirige una oración a Dios, decapita a Holofernes y huye con su sirvienta del acantonamiento. Cuando Vagans descubre el cadáver evoca a las furias y jura venganza contra los judíos, mientras Ozias se entera del regreso de Juditha y entona un canto de gracias.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Y si Vivaldi tiene su oratorio sobre Judith en latín, Scarlatti tiene el suyo en italiano, lo que ya a prioiri es una ventaja sobre aquél, pero el de Scarlatti es más corto y aunque ambos son hermosos yo me quedo con el del Maestro Vivaldi. Y tú?

Alessandro Scarlatti - 1660 - 1725

La Giuditta - Oratório em 2 partes

Le Parlament de Musique - Martin Gester

GiudittaCéline Ricci - soprano
OziaAdriana Fernández - soprano
OloferneMartin Oro - contratenor
AchiorreVincenzo Di Donato - tenor
Sacerdote EbroBruno Rostand - baixo
Le Parlament de Musique
ConductorMartin Gester

Primera Parte

01. Sinfonia
02. Recitativo (Giuditta) / Aria « Trombe guerriere » (Giuditta)
03. Recitativo (Giuditta, Ozia) / Aria « Son gli sdegni » (Ozia)
04. Recitativo (Giuditta, Ozia, Sacerdote) / Aria « La speranza » (Ozia)
05. Recitativo & aria « Quel nume clemente » (Sacerdote)
06. Recitativo & aria « Ma sò ben » (Giuditta)
07. Sinfonia bellica / Aria « Lampi e tuoni » (Oloferne) / Sinfonia bellica
08. Recitativo (Oloferne, Capitano) / Aria « Vincerai » (Capitano)
09. Recitativo (Oloferne, Capitano) / Aria « No, non dirai » (Oloferne)
10. Recitativo & aria « Della patria » (Capitano)
Segunda Parte

11. Aria « Se di gigli » (Giuditta)
12. Recitativo (Giuditta, Oloferne) / Aria « Vanne pur » (Oloferne)
13. Recitativo & duetto « Son lieto » (Ozia, Sacerdote)
14. Recitativo (Ozia, Capitano, Sacerdote) / Aria « Del tiranno » (Capitano)
15. Recitativo & aria « Se la gioia non m'uccide » (Ozia)
16. Recitativo & duetto « Mia speranza » (Giuditta, Oloferne)
17. Recitativo & arioso (Giuditta, Oloferne) / Aria « La tua destra » (Giuditta)
18. Recitativo & aria « Traditor » (Sacerdote)
19. Recitativo & aria « Addio, cara liberta » (Ozia)
20. Recitativo & aria « Sento che questo core » (Ozia, Capitano)
21. Recitativo & aria « Sù, che tardi ? » (Ozia, Capitano, Sacerdote)
22. Recitativo (Giuditta, Ozia) / Aria « Alle palme »
23. Aria « Combattuta » (Giuditta) / Coro / Aria « Superata la costanza » (Ozia)
24. Coro « Opra sol di quel Dio »

Download: (MP3)

part01 part02





(militum pugnantium in acie cum timpano bellico)

Arma, caedes, vindictae, furores, Que las Armas, la Rapiña, la Venganza y el Furor,

Angustiae, timores La Angustia y los Miedosr

Precedite nos. Nos precedan.

Rotate, Nos rodeen,

Pugnate Presenten Batalla,

O bellicae sortes, Oh, Destinos de Guerra:

Mille plagas, Infligid Mil Heridas,

Mille mortes Mil Muertes.

Adducite vos.


Felix en fausta dies Ante un feliz y bendecido dia,

O Magnanimi Eroes en fortunati: Oh, nobles héroes afortunados:

Prospera vobis sors, sydera, caelum: el destino, las estrellas, los Cielos, Todos apoyan nuestra Causa.

En post saecula tandem Observad cómo, tras tantos años,

Venit optata lux, lux suspirata, la tan ansiada Luz ha llegado, la Luz tan Deseada,

Qua magni in vestro Duce, by which you shall be great through your Leader,

Qua Dux Magnus in vobis: and your Leader shall be great through you.

Cunctis aequa You shall all

Erit tandem Victoria, achieve Victory,

Et vestro invicto Regi and your undefeated King

Honor, et gloria. shall win honour and glory.

Nil arma, nil bella, Arms, battle,

Nil fiamma furoris burning rage: all are nothing

Si cor bellatoris if the warrior’s heart

Est cadens in se. has sunk low.

Si pugnat sperando, If he fights in hope,

Iam virtus pugnando then that hope will strengthen

Vigescit in spe. his arm for battle.


Mi Dux, Domine mi... Commander, my Lord…


Et quid ne petis? What do you want?


Felicitatis tuae Nuncius accedo. I come bearing tidings of your good fortune.


Quidne fausti tu refers? What auspicious news do you bring?


Nil nisi Gloriae tuae grande incre mentum, Nothing that does not add to your great Glory:

Et vere oculis tuis dulce portentum. truly, a sweet portent in your sight.


Dic. Speak.


Matrona inimica A noble lady of the enemy

Te quaerit ad arma has come to our troops asking after you,

Dux magne Holofernes. mighty Lord Holofernes.

Et cito deh, credas, And soon, believe me,

Tibi erit amica she will be yours –

Si lumina cernes. you have only to set eyes upon her.


Huc accedat Matrona, Let the Lady draw near,

Et sit armorum Marti ebrea Bellona. be she the Hebrew Bellona to the armies of Mars.

In Bethulia vilescunt In Bethulia our foes are growing weak,

Hostes miseri Egeni: undique luctus they are wretched and in need: all around are

Saevus undique clamor. laments and wild raging.

Hic anhelat, One gasps for breath,

Hic gemit, ille plorat, another groans; one weeps,

Dolent omnes; all are suffering.

Nil nisi timor, nil nisi maerentium There is nothing but fear, nothing but grief,

Ignavia, desperatio, afflictio, inopia, despondency, despair, pain, poverty

Et lacrimarum copia. and floods of tears.


Veni Foemina illustris, Come, illustrious lady,

Pulcra Bellatrix huc, lovely warrior-woman, draw near;

Lumine, et pede your eyes, your bearing

Videntes feri, lay low all who see you.

Et generosa accede. Approach, noble lady.


Quocum Patriae me ducit amore Wherever I am led by love of the Fatherland

Libertatis dulcissima spes, and the hope of liberty, sweetest of hopes,

Summo ductus a c aeli fulgore guided by the highest rays of heaven

Tuto pergat per classica pes. may I walk in safety a mong these soldiers.


Ne timeas non, laetare Do not be afraid: rejoice, rather,

Casta Vidua dilecta virtuous and estee med widow:

Certa virtutis tuae munera expecta. truly you shall receive re wards befitting your virtue.

Vultus tui vago splendori Before the dazzling splendour of your face

Cedit ira ridet amor. anger fades away, and love smiles.

Ac tui numinis honori And in honour of your noble spirit

Laetus plaudit omnium clamor all cry out with shouts of joy.

Vide, humilis prostrata See how this people, though armed,

In vultus tui nitore, lies prostrate in all humility,

Quam estatica sit gens tanta armata. overwhelmed by the glory of your face.


Nil morae. Ad Holofernem Of your courtesy, take me straight

Me ducite benigni to Holofernes,

Duces bellici honoris, valiant warriors.

Pacis en nuntia venio, et non furoris. I come as a messenger of peace, not of battle-rage.


O quam vaga, venusta, o quam decora, O how lovely, how fair, O how comely you are,

Ospes nostrae victoriae unica, et vera. our one and true hope of victory.

Tentoria vultu tuo ducis honora Honour the tent of our leader with your presence,

Et cuncta ab Holoferne attende, et spera. put all your faith in Holofernes, and have hope .


Quem vides prope, aspectu The man you see close at hand, who seems

Terribili, et suavi, so terrible yet so charming,

Quem quaeris, ipse hic est: amore, et fide, he is the one you seek; in love and faith

In ipso pulcra Sion spera, et confide. put your trust in him, fair Zion, and have confidence.

Quamvis ferro, et ense gravis Though his sword is heavy iron,

Dulcis tamen et suavis yet he will be for you a kind and gentle

Pro te Dux erit, o bella. leader, fair lady.

Tibi tua tu sors et fatum, Your fate and your destiny are in your own hands.

Nec per te fremit iratum, He will not tremble with rage to see you:

Tua pupilla fit tua stella. your eyes will be the guiding star of your future.


Quid cerno! Oculi mei What do I see before me! My dazzled eyes,

Stupidi quid videtis! what is this you are seeing?

Solis, an caeli splendor! Surely this is the sun, the splendour of the heavens!

Ah summae prolis Ah, most exalted of beings,

Vincunt lumina sua lumina solis. whose eyes are more potent than the sun’s rays!

Sistite, viatrici Stay your path, travellers!

Preparate Trophea , spargite flores, Prepare tributes, spread flowers beneath her feet,

Et obvient Dive suae teneri Amores. and let the Cupids come forth to meet their Goddess.


Summe Rex, strenue miles, Greatest of Kings, valiant warrior,

Nabuc Regis cor, cuius in manu heart of King Nebuchadnezzar, holding supreme

Stat suprema potestas, nutui cuius power in your hand, you command

Fortuna, et sors obedit, Fortune and fate,

Et cuncta iura sua gloria concedit. and your glory ensures justice.


O quam pulcrior in pulcro How much lovelier is virtue when voiced

Virtus est ore sonans! Quidnam petis, by such lovely lips! What would you have of me,

Suavissima supplex? most charming of suppliants?


Non mihi, Patriae mea e Not for myself, but for my Fatherland

Spem salutis exoro, do I beg for hope of deliverance,

Et sic Bethuliae a te pace m imploro. and thus I plead with you for the peace of Bethulia.

Quanto magis generosa, How much nobler,

Plus victori gloriosa how much more glorious to the conquerer,

Venia victo magis cara. how much more precious is mercy to the conquered.

O quam pulcra tua potentia How glorious would be your power

Illustrata tua clementia! if illumined by your clemency!

Parce Dux, ac tolle amara. Spare us, Lord, and sweeten our bitter lot.


Magna, o foemina petis, You ask much, woman;

Quae maxima, si dentur! you would be granted more, if you asked it!

Majora sed a me tibi debentur. Yet I am even more indebted to you.

O timpana silete, Drums, be silent,

Recedite o Phalanges, batallions, draw back;

Cedite amori meo, cedite invictae yield to my love, yield to this undefeated woman,

Faces, tela, sagittae, you torches, spears and arrows,

Et vos bellica in campo impia tormenta you ungodly engines of war on the field of battle:

Estote in gaudio meo nova contenta. find satisfaction in my joy.

Hic sede amica mea. Sit here, my sweet friend.


Non tantus honor Such honour should not be

Tuae famulae donetur. bestowed on your servant.


Tu me honoras. It is you who honour me.


Te colo. I am your devoted servant.


Sedeas hic. Sit here.


Non debeo, non. No, that is not my place.


Sic jubeo, et volo. It is my command, and my wish.

Sede, o cara, Sit, my dear one,

Dilecta speciosa my beloved, my beauty,

Mea vivida rosa, my living rose,

Mea fulgida fax. my shining flame.

Tu Marti triumphanti, To Mars in his triumph,

Tu bellico amanti to your warrior-lover,

Pulcherrima Pax. you are fairest Peace.


Tu Judex es, tu Dominus, tu potens You are Judge and Lord, you are commander

In exercitu tanto, et tuae dextrae victrici of so mighty an army, and the stars are aligned

Semper aspectu sint astra felici to bless your victorious right arm for ever.


Felix per te, Thanks to you, I have found happiness,

Magisque felix ero, and I shall be even happier

Si dum sepulta manet if, while Apollo’s light lies buried

Lux Apollinis unda, beneath the waves,

Me te dignum you will do me the honour

In convivio tu reddas, of feasting with me as my guest,

Ut melius pacis nostrae amatae, et carae, so that I may fittingly celebrate with you

Solemnia tecum possim celebrare. the hallowing of our cherished, beloved peace.


Inter convivia, et dapes At feasts and banquets

Torpescent labia mea my lips turn numb,

In jeiunio assueta: accustomed as they are to fasting:

Tristis, nec unquam laeta sorrowing, taking no delight

In eduliis astricta in food,

Nescia est delitiae tantae anima afflicta. my suffering soul knows nothing of such pleasures.


Agitata infido flatu Tossed about by the fitful wind

Diu volatu during its long flight,

Vagabundo the vagrant

Maesta hirundo swallow grieves,

It plorando weeping as it flies

Boni ignara. for the good things it has never known.

Sed impulsu aurae serenae But carried on a fair breeze

Tantae cito oblita poenae it soon forgets its sorrows.

In dilecta In the comfort

Dulcia tecta of its soft nest

Gaudii ridet haud avara. it laughs for joy, desiring nothing more.


In tentorio supernae In my tent

Sint in ordine coenae. let a meal be served fit for the gods.

Quid, quid natat in Ponto, Whatever swims in the river Pontus,

Quid, quid in Caelo, whatever flies in the heavens,

et terra nutrit whatever is nourished by the earth,

Ne sit legere grave. let nothing be too difficult to obtain.

Hinc nostrae Reginae, Henceforth, to our Queen,

Cui Vagae, tu deservies, whom you, Vagaus, shall serve,

Sit cretensis Lyei donum suave. let the sweet gift of Cretan Dionysos be given.


O servi volate, Servants, be swift

Et Domino meo and prepare the meal

Vos mensas parate for my Lord,

Si proxima nox. for it is nearly night.

Invicto Holoferni Let us sing in chorus and response

Cantemus alterni, of the unvanquished Holofernes,

Honoris, amoris let our voices ring out with one accord

Sit consona nox [vox]. for honour and for love.


Honoris, amoris, etc...


Tu quoque hebraica ancilla You also, Hebrew handmaid,

In nostro gaudio tanto shall share in our great joy

Eris in corde tuo laeta, et tranquilla. and be glad of heart, and at peace.


Quam audacter discurrit How boldly he holds forth,

Non minus servus suo Domino nequam. the servant no less than his Lord.

Properemus Juditha: ubique semper Let us make haste, Judith: always and everywhere

Tecum sperans in Caelis sharing your hope in Heaven,

Ero Dominae meae socia fidelis. I shall be a faithful companion to my Mistress.


Veni, veni, me sequere fida Come, come, follow me, my faithful

Abra amata , and beloved maid,

Sponso orbata. deprived of your husband.

Turtur gemo ac spiro in te. Like you, I too lament like the turtle-dove.

Dirae sortis tu socia confida In this terrible fate, you are my trusted companion;

Debellata when our thankless destiny

Sorte ingrata, is fulfilled,

Sociam laetae habebis me. you shall have me as your companion in joy.


Venio Juditha, venio: animo fave, I am with you, Judith: have courage.

Amori crede tuo nil erit grave. Believe me: no ill shall befall your love.

Fulgeat sol frontis decorae , May your fair countenance shine like the sun,

Et afflictae abeat Aurorae and the sad dew of dawn

Rosa vaga tua pupilla. vanish from your eyes.

Ama, langue, finge ardere Love him, languish for him, feign your ardour,

Nostrae sorti si favore if a spark from you can

Potest una tua favilla. advance our destiny.

In Urbe interim pia Meanwhile in our holy City

Incertas audi voces, aura levis I hear confused voices, a faint breeze

Fert murmur voti brings rumour of your vow,

Et gloriae, credo, tuae. and, I believe, of your glory.

Gemunt et orant una With one voice the maidens of Judah

Virgines Juda, incertae sortis suae. groan and pray, not knowing what will befall them.


(Virginum psalentium in Bethulia) (The young women in Bethulia sing a psalm)

Mundi Rector de Caelo micanti Ruler of the world and of the sparkling Heaven,

Audi preces, et suscipe vota hear our pleading, and receive the prayers

Quae de corde pro te dimicanti offered with devotion

Sunt pietatis in sinu devota. by a faithful heart enlisted in thy cause.

In Juditha tuae legi dicata In Judith, consecrated to thy law,

Flammas dulcis tui amoris accende kindle the sweet fire of thy love

Feritatis sic hostis domata that the savagery of the enemy may be tamed

In Bethuliae spem pacis intende. and the hope of peace granted to Bethulia.

Redi, redi iam Victrix pugnando Return, return victorious in battle,

In cilicio in prece revive Draw strength from penitence and prayer.

De Holoferne sic hodie triumphando Thus defeating Holofernes this day,

Pia Juditha per saecula vive. may faithful Judith live for ever.

(Finis prioris partis)



Summi Regis in mente I possess knowledge of the highest mysteries

Mihi sunt alta arcana: hostis Tyranni, of the greatest of Kings: I foresee that our tyrant

Bellatoris iniqui enemy, the fell warriors,

Prope, caelo favente, will soon, through the grace of heaven,

Fata extrema prevideo. meet their doom.

Deus Abraam God of Abraham,

Exercitum Deus es, potens in bello, thou art God of Hosts, mighty in battle;

Tuo nomini inimicam by your name and the power

Virtute dexterae tuae dissipa Gentem. of your right hand, scatter the foreign enemy.

Te supplices precamur: We humbly pray thee:

Tibi gloria may the coming victory of thy devoted people

Sit diligentium te nova victoria. be to thy greater glory.

O Sydera, o stellae, Ye stars and constellations,

Cum luna cadenti now at the waning of the moon

Estote facellae be funeral torches

In hostem ferales. to our enemy.

Cum nocte felici In this blessed night

Ruant impii inimici, let the godless enemy be destroyed,

Et sole surgenti and may they be discovered lying dead

Sint luces mortales. by the light of the rising sun.

Jam saevientis in hostem Alre ady the prayers of our virtuous Judith,

Castae nostrae Judithae who is even now in fierce combat with the enemy,

Gratae sunt Caelo preces, triumphando have been accepted by Heaven; in triumph

Ad nos cito redibit, she will soon return to us,

Et Duce ablato ria gens peribit. and, deprived of its leader, the sinful race will perish.


Nox in umbra dum surgit, The shadows of night deepen,

Radiante in mare sol lumino cadit; and the sun sinks radiant into the sea;

Sed tu pulcra Juditha but you, fair Judith,

Luminose mi sol in caeco orrore my shining sun in the horrors of blind night,

Resurgis coram me vivido ardore. arise before me, a living flame.

Nox obscura tenebrosa Through you, the dark and shadowy night

Per te ridet luminosa laughs with the brilliance

Miro fulgida splendore. of miraculous shining splendour.

Neque lucis novae Aurora And no dawn of new light shall appear

Tam superba tam decora no matter how radiant or glorious,

Victa tuo surget splendore. that is not outshone by your splendour.

Belligerae meae sorti, O my beloved, I beg you to pardon me

Quaeso, o cara condona: my soldier’s ways:

Haec numine conviva these dishes are not worthy

Non sunt fercula digna. of one who is companion to the gods.


Magnitudinis tuae bene sunt signa. They well show forth your greatness.


Magnum meum cor tu reddis, You will make my heart swell

Si amantem vultus tui iure me credis. if you believe that your face has made me love you.


Nil nisi sui Factoris No image save that of its Creator

In orbe a creatura may be worshipped

Est conservanda Imago. by any creature on earth.


Ad tantum cogis me vultu tuo vago. It is your fair face that makes me so bold.


Quid, quid splendet in ore Any beauty shining in a face

Est pulvis, umbra, nihil. is dust, darkness, nothing.

Transit aetas, Life passes,

Volant anni, the years fly by;

Nostri damni we are the cause

Causa sumus. of our own destruction.

Vivit anima immortalis The immortal soul lives on

Si vitalis where the flames of

Amor, ignis, cuncta fumus. love and passion are but smoke.


Haec in crastinum serva: Ah, nimis vere Keep all that for tomorrow. Ah, now I know

Esse ignem sentio amorem, all too well that love truly is a fire:

Si nimis sentio in me viscera ardere. I can feel my own heart burning within me.


Tanti caloris aestum Strive to temper such hot passion,

Tempera strenue Dux, flammas evita... Commander, flee from the flames…


Uror... I am on fire…


Longe ibo... I shall go far away…


No, cara Juditha. No, my darling Judith.

Noli o cara te adorantis O my beloved, do not disdain

Voto Ducis non favere, the entreaties of a ruler who adores you;

Et suspiria animae amantis at least learn not to shudder

Saltem disce non horrere. at the sighs of a loving soul.


Tibi dona salutis I pray that the Lord of Heaven

Precor e Caelo Dux. may grant you salvation.


Prosit: bibendo Let it be so: as I drink,

A te salutem spero, I hope to be saved by you,

Et si tu amabis me, and if you will love me,

Tua salus ero. I shall be your salvation.


Plena nectare non mero Not with pure wine but with nectar

Aurea pocula almi amores are the golden goblets filled; kindly Cupids,

Myrto et rosis coronate. crown them with myrtle and rose,

Et in mutuo gaudio vero and in true mutual delight

Horum numinum ardores feed the passion of these divine beings

Dulci flamma prosperate. with your sweet flame.


Tormenta mentis tuae fugiant a corde, May all torment be banished from your heart;

Et calicem sumendo I raise my chalice

Vivat gloria Judithae, et belli face to the glory of Judith, and once the torches of war

Extincta, amor per te vivat in pace. are extinguished, my love live in peace through you.


Vivat in pace, et pax regnet sincera, Yes, may it live in peace; and may peace truly reign

Et in Bethulia fax surgat amoris. and in Bethulia may the torch of love be kindled.

In pace semper stat laetitia vera, True happiness is found always in peace,

Nec amplius bella sint causa doloris. let wars no longer be the cause of sorrow.

In pace anima mea tu cuncta spera. My soul, put all your hope in peace,

Si pax solatium est nostri moeroris. since it is peace that can ease our grief.

In pace bone Deus cuncta tu facis, God of goodness, all your works are accomplished in peace,

Et cara tibi sunt munera pacis. and the fruits of peace are dear to you.

Sic in Pace inter hostes Thus, in Peace, amidst our enemies

Sit mea Patria inofensa. may my nation live inviolate.

Sed quid video! Holofernes But what is this I see! Holofernes

Accensus mero suo dormit in mensa! drunk on wine is asleep at the table!

Consurgam. Vestro Duci Let us arise. You servants, come quickly

Huc accurrite, o servi: huc Abra veni, to help your Master. Abra, come here,

Hic in tentorio stantes, let us wait here in the tent.

Dum dormit inimicus While our enemy sleeps,

Precemur vere Deum nos vigilantes. let us keep vigil and offer fitting praye rs to God.


Umbrae carae, aurae adoratae Dear shades, beloved zephyrs,

Deh gratae ah, lull him

Spirate; with gentle breezes;

Si Dominus dormit if the Lord sleeps,

Stet tacita gens. let the people be silent.

A cura tam gravi His cares are so great:

in somno suavi in soothing slumber

Sit placida mens. may his mind be eased.

Quae fortunata es tu vaga Matrona, How fortune has smiled on you, fair Lady!

Quae de tam strenuo Duce triumphasti, You have triumphed over so mighty a Commander,

Et hostium domatorem tu domasti. and conquered the conqueror.


Faxit de Caelo Rex, This is the work of the King of He aven,

Reges qui regit, the King of kings,

Et cordi mei devota God in his mercy has heard

Exaudiat pietas Dei suspiria et vota. the sighs and entreaties of my devoted heart.


Bene in thalamo quiescat, Let him rest in his bedchamber;

Mensas tollo, I shall clear the tables,

Et hic pulcra Juditha and here , lovely Judith,

Potes cum Duce tuo sola laetari, you may savour this time alone with your Commander,

Et poenas cordis tui tu consolari, and comfort the sorrows of your heart.

Sed huc ancilla venit, But here comes your servant:

Jam festinans discedo, I will leave quickly

Et sic amori tuo locum concedo. so that you may have this place for your loving.


Bene venisti, o fida, Faithful servant, you are most welcome!

En tempus nostrae gloriae, This is the hour of our glory,

Et suspirata tandem hora victoriae. and the long-awaited moment of victory.


Cuncta fauste succedant, May all your endeavours be crowned with success,

Et tibi, o mea Juditha and may you, O my Judith,

Eris, et Patriae tuae, and your nation be blessed

Salus et vita. with prosperity and life.


Nil ultra: claude fores, No more now: seal up the entrance to the tent

Impedi viatores, and let no-one enter;

Et caelesti fervore cor accende , Let your heart burn with the passion of heaven.

Et mox victricem me tacita attende. I shall soon return victorious; wait for me here in silence.


Non ita reducem The child

Progeniem noto returning home

Raptam a gelido through the savage icy storm

Mater expectat, is not awaited by his mother

Ut ego fervida more eagerly

Expecto te. than I shall wait for you.

Sed poena barbarae, But the pain of a brief

Et brevis morae yet cruel delay

Animam nimium torments the soul

Vexat amantem who loves too much

Timore, et spe. with fear, and hope.

Jam pergo, postes claudo, Now I shall go and close up the tent,

Et te nostra Eroina expecto et laudo. and wait for you, our Heroine, and praise you.


Summe Astrorum Creator, Sovereign Creator of the stars,

Qui de nihilo jam cuncta eduxisti, who brought forth out of nothing all that exists,

Et tibi ut servi essemus and, that we might serve you,

Ad imaginem tuam tu nos fecisti, made us in your image,

Clemens in Caelo Pater, merciful Father in Heaven,

Potens in Mundo Deus, mighty God on earth,

Qui Jaheli victrici, who gave strength to the victorious Jael

Qui Deborae pugnanti vim dedisti, and to warring Deborah,

Adiuva nos in prece, et culpas tolle, help us as we pray, and take away our guilt,

Et de forti tua dextra and with the power of your right hand

Imbelli dextrae meae robur extolle. raise up my frail arm to be a tower of strength.

In somno profundo While he lies

Si jacet immersus deep in slumber,

Non amplius sit vigil he whom you have cast into sleep

Qui dormit in te. cannot be watchful.

Quiescat exanguis, Let the sleeper be drained of blood,

Et sanguis that I may glory

Sic exeat in that blood

Superbus in me. as it pours forth.

Impii, indigni Tiranni Ah, see: the sword of the godless, dishonourable tyrant

Conopeo hic apensum is hanging here below the canopy

Denudo ferrum, ictus tendo, infelicem of his bed:

Ab Holofernis busto from the body of Holofernes,

Deus in nomine tuo scindo cervicem. O God, in your name, I strike off the wretched head.

Salvete o pia tentoria Fare well, good tent:

In vobis semper clara may the noble victory won in you

Et caelo, et mundo sit alta victoria. shine forth forever in heaven and on earth.

Abra, Abra, accipe munus, Abra, here, take this

In saculum repone, et fida ancilla and put it in a bag, faithful handmaid, and

Me sequere , festina, follow me quickly,

Et clemens extra c astra and may the merciful right hand of God

Tuto perducat nos dextra divina. lead us safely out of the camp.


Quid mihi? Oh mira res! Diro Draconi What are you giving me? O miracle! You have cut off

Tu caput obtruncasti, the head of the horrible dragon, and in the same stroke

Et simul una in uno omnes domasti. have singlehandedly defeated them all.

Eamus cito eamus, Let us leave quickly now.

Et mille mille Deo gratias agamus. and offer a thousand thousand thanks to God.

Si fulgida per te If through you

Propitia caeli fax the auspicious flame of heaven has shone forth,

Si dulci animae spe if kindly peace shines out in glory

Refulsit alma pax, as the reflection of your soul’s sweet hope,

Solum beato to our blessed Leader alone,

Duci increato to him who was never created,

Debetur nostra pax, do we owe our peace

Et nostra gloria. and our glory.

Dat illo cordi ardorem, It is he who puts fire in our heart,

Ille dextrae vigorem, who strengthens our arm,

Et manus donum suae and our victory

Nostra victoria is a gift from his hand.


Jam non procul ab axe It is not long now until

Est ascendens Aurora, undique rara the rising of the Dawn; scattered across

Caelo sydera micant: in tentorio the heavens, stars are twinkling: within the tent

Pallet incerta lux: patet ingressus, a flickering light is dying: the entrance stands open,

Neminem video. I can see no-one.

Sed heu, heu, quid cerno? But alas, alas, what is this?

Fusus undique sanguis! Blood everywhere!

Heu, quam horrendum visu! Alas, what a hideous sight!

Truncus Domini mei jacet exanguis. The headless body of my Lord lying drained of blood!

Milites huc venite, Soldiers, come here!

Surgite, o servi, excubiae non dormite. Get up, servants! Guards, wake up!

Omnes perditi sumus: We are all lost:

Bethulia a missa, et Holofernes extincto. Bethulia slipped from our grasp, and Holofernes dead.

Heu cuncti, cuncti miseri ploremus, Alas, let us weep for all our misfortunes,

Et ducis nostri funus vindicemus. and avenge the death of our commander.

Armata e face et anguibus Armed with torches and serpents,

A caeco regno squallido come forth from your blind, foul kingdom,

Furoris sociae barbari you savage partners of raging frenzy,

Furiae venite ad nos. Furies, come to us!

Morte, flagello, stragibus In death, scourging and slaughter

Vindictam tanti funeris we will follow you:

Irata nostra pectora teach us, whose hearts are enraged,

Duces docete vos. to avenge this murderous deed.


Quam insolita luce With what a strange, new light

Eois surgit ab oris the dawn rises in the east,

Floribus cincta suis roscida garlanded with flowers still wet with dew!

Aurora! O quam ridet serena Oh, how this glad day, full of light,

Jucundo nobis dies lumine plena! laughs with us in our joy!

En venit tandem venit See, she comes, at last she comes,

(Eam a longe prospicio, ad eam curramus) (I can see her in the distance, let’s run to her!)

Venit Juditha venit, she is coming, Judith is coming,

Et Juditha triumphans. Filia electa and Judith has triumphed. Chosen daughter,

Quanto gaudio te amplector: Summe Deus how joyfully I embrace you: Sovereign God,

Exultat ecce in te spiritus meus. see how my spirit exults in you!

Gaude felix O happy city of Bethulia

Bethulia letare rejoice and be glad,

Consolare be comforted,

Urbs nimis afflicta. you who were so sorely afflicted.

Caelo amata Beloved of Heaven,

Es fortunata you are blessed,

Inter hostes se mper invicta. no enemy shall ever conquer you.

Ita decreto aeterno Thus by an eternal decree

Veneti Maris Urbem I declare that the City of the Sea of Venice

Inviolatam discerno, shall remain inviolate,

Sic in Asia Holoferni impio tiranno just as in Asia, the Virgin City ever protected by the

Urbs Virgo gratia Dei semper munita grace of God against the godless tyrant Holofernes

Erit nova Juditha, shall be a new Judith,

Et pro popolo suo Pastor orabit, and her Pastor shall pray for his people,

Et fidelis Ozias and the faithful Ozias

Veram Bethuliae suae fide m servabit. shall uphold the true faith of his Bethulia.

Eja Virgines Sion Come now, daughters of Sion,

Festinate cum gloria make haste to celebrate with glory

In sperata victoria the hoped-for victory,

Et pietatis in sinu and in humble devotion,

Cum Psalterio sonanti to the sound of the psaltery,

Applaudite Judithae Triumphanti. sing the praises of Judith Triumphant!


Salve invicta Juditha formosa Hail, Judith, beautiful and undefeated,

Patriae splendor spes nostrae salutis. the glory of our nation and our hope of salvation.

Summae norma tu vere virtutis You shall forever be the ultimate model of true virtue

Eris semper in mundo gloriosa. glorious throughout the world.

Debellato sic barbaro Trac e Thus the Thracian barbarian has been defeated;

Triumphatrix sit Maris Regina. let the Queen of the Sea exult in triumph!

Et placata sic ira divina And thus, the divine anger calmed,

Adria vivat, et regnet in pace. long live Adria, and may she reign in peace.

Translation © Natalie Shea 2007

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