
viernes, 26 de febrero de 2010


Voyevoda (Un sueño en el Volga) Tchaikovsky

Voyevoda (En ruso: Воевода) , Op. 3, fue la primera ópera de Tchaikovsky, con libreto de Aleksandr Ostrovsky inspirado en la obra del mismo nombre

Fue escrita entre marzo de 1867 y julio de 1868 y estrenada el 11 de febrero de 1869 en el Teatro Bolshow, a beneficio de Alexandra Menshikova.

Un año después, Tchaikovsky destruia los manuscritos , utilizando mucho material en el 1er acto de su siguiente ópera, Oprichnik (1870–1872).

Durante los años de la Unión Soviética, The Voyevoda fue reconstruida con los borradores que dejó Tchaikovsky.

Estos son extractos del Tchaikovsky-research.net acerca de esta ópera: "In the 1920s, Sergei Popov found a vocal score and most of the manuscript parts used at the first production in the library of the Bol'shoi Theatre in Moscow, and these form the basis for the later reconstruction by Pavel Lamm, as published in the Complete Works series. They seem to have been almost complete, with a few gaps in the score being supplied by Vissarion Shebalin (...)

During the past week I have been comparing the Aquarius recording of The Voevoda with the Kalmus full score, which I found in my local university library. (Fortunately for me, the University of British Columbia music library has the complete orchestral scores for all of Tchaikovsky's operas—even including the surviving fragments from Undine!) I have noticed that there are a few discrepancies in the vocal parts between the recording and the score, namely, in Act 1 No. 7 (the Voevoda's first encounter with Nastasya) and Act 2 No. 8 (duet of Nastasya and Olyona).

I have heard that a few passages from the vocal parts of this opera have been lost, and this may explain the discrepancies in question. On the other hand, it is possible that the performers on this recording were attempting to improve on some of the composer's more awkward vocal writing.

I hope that more of you will take the opportunity to explore this fascinating opera, as it is filled with lovely moments and represents a significant milestone in Tchaikovsky's development. Perhaps, in time, Aquarius will realize that there is a growing demand for recordings such as this one!".

Esta es la única grabación de esta reconstrucción, de gran calidad:

Vladimir Matorin (bajo). Leoid Zimnenko (bajo). Alexandra Fatkina (sopr). Galina KUznetsova (sopr). Lyudmila Bondarenko (sopr). Antolij Micshevskij (ten). Oleg Kleno (bar). Bolshoi. Dir. Vladimir Kozhukhar.

Los links de descarga son estos:

3 comentarios:

  1. Los links han sido cerrados, por favor, resúbalos. Gracias.

  2. Buenas noches
    Por favor, `podrías compartir los links para descargar esta opera?

    Gracias de antemano
